A Dinosaur for the Natural History Museum on Sirius 3

by DavidKM

A Dinosaur for the Natural History Museum on Sirius 3


Beam this to Earth right away!
The Exopaleobiology Department requests a big one:
a sauropod, preferably a titanosaur,
something our patrons can really sink their teeth into,
and we don't want a cast,
no 3D printed replica, however realistic,
bones of the earth, that's what our visitors slaver for.
An exhibit like this will put our museum on the map,
folks will be howling to get in,
everyone will want a piece of what we have to offer,
(Scroll this: After you visit,
strangers will follow you down the block).
By the way, if you have some spare bones,
we are interested in a bulk discount,
but none of those
thumbnail-sized chips of stone
you pawn off on human pups.
No one believes those are real,
or ever had meat on them.