Then least alone, when I am most alone,
Quoth one that least loud most Mens Company:
But what hee? a Ruler; such a one
Oft liues alone to keepe Societie:
For, Kings (whose cares are how from cares to keepe
Their Subiects liues: in Lifes Communion,)
Oft liue alone, and wake when sound they sleepe,
That he with them may sleep when theirs is gon
But priuate Men, if they too priuate are,
Are most iniurious to Mens publike good ,
And who are such, liue past all kind of Care:
So liu'd not Hee, that for Men spent his bloud:
If hee (kind Lord on'd to liue alone
Hee had not died, and wee had liu'd vnknowne.
Quoth one that least loud most Mens Company:
But what hee? a Ruler; such a one
Oft liues alone to keepe Societie:
For, Kings (whose cares are how from cares to keepe
Their Subiects liues: in Lifes Communion,)
Oft liue alone, and wake when sound they sleepe,
That he with them may sleep when theirs is gon
But priuate Men, if they too priuate are,
Are most iniurious to Mens publike good ,
And who are such, liue past all kind of Care:
So liu'd not Hee, that for Men spent his bloud:
If hee (kind Lord on'd to liue alone
Hee had not died, and wee had liu'd vnknowne.
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