Apostrophe to Greece - Part 3

Then , Hellas! scorn the sneer
Of kings who will not hear
Their people's moaning voice,
More deaf than shore to sea!
The world hath need of thee —
The world thou still canst teach to reason and rejoice.

Yes, need of thee while Art
Of life is but a part —
Plaything or luxury.
Greek soil perchance may show
Where Art's hid stream doth flow —
To rise, a new Alpheus, near another sea.

Yes, need of thee while Gold
Makes timid traitors bold
To lay republics low;
Not ignorant nor poor
Spread for their feet the lure —
The kind, the loved, the honored, aim the brutal blow.

Then, though by faction's blunder,
And boasts, of mimic thunder,
Again thou art betrayed,
Vain this, vain every treason;
With thee are Hope and Reason,
Nor Past can be forgot, nor Future long delayed.

Troy was, but Athens is —
The World's and Liberty's,
Nor ever less shall be!
Though fallen are old fanes
The vestal fire remains
Bright with the light serene of immortality.English
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