On the Fruitless Fig-Tree

The Fig-Tree, tho' it flourish'd, did afford
No Fruit, as was expected by the Lord;
Therefore 'twas Curs'd, did wither and decay,
No Fruit producing from that very day.
But unto Mankind, O most Gracious Lord!
Great are the Mercies which thou dost afford;
Tho' slothfully they hide, sometimes deny,
The Talents given by thy Majesty:
Thou dost not in thine Indignation thus
Pass so severe a Sentence upon Us;
Although we, of our selves, so Barren be,
And oft more Fruitless than that Blooming Tree,
Thou prun'st us, and with sweet refreshing Show'rs
Art pleas'd oft to renew our weakned Pow'rs:
Yea, long thou spar'st us; and at length, who proves
Fruitful, thou cherishest, and freely loves.
But if thy great Forbearance, Lord, should be
As 'twere frustrated by a Fruitless Tree,
Thou justly may'st the Vine-dresser require
To cut it down, and cast it into th'Fire:
Though there was frequent Intercession made,
As when the Dressers of the Vineyard said,
Lord, let us try it yet another Year,
And then, if any Fruit thereon appear,
'Tis well Forbearance hath thereto been shewn;
If otherwise, 'tis time to cut it down.
When thus the Lord hath long time Fruit expected
From Men, and yet is carelesly rejected;
Though waiting still, he pleas'd to condescend
Line upon Line, with Patience, to extend;
And Precept upon Precept, did dispence;
And likewise promis'd a sure Recompence
Of Durable Reward, Eternal Joy,
To those that, ceasing from Iniquity,
Would unto his most Sacred Will resign
Themselves, and All: Then would he with Divine
SweeTheav'nly Show'rs bedew, and always bless
Them, that they might be Trees of Righteousness;
But if such should resist, they'll come to be
Like Heath i'th' Desart, or the Fruitless Tree:
And if against them the Decree be Seal'd,
To cut them down, how can it be Repeal'd?
Ah! prize the present Day of Visitation,
And dare not to provoke his Indignation;
That, through Distillings of his Heav'nly Love,
You fertile Plants unto his Praise may prove.
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