The Further Shore
L IFE'S half-read book, for we are well aware
We cannot know it to its furthest end:
But still we hope the coming page may mend
Its story, and our sun shine out more fair;
That infant laughter may light age's care;
That Good and Evil's ravelled skeins shall blend
In closer harmony like friend with friend,
And God's love never leave us anywhere.
But now the book is closed, the dusk falls low
Upon the unknown sea: For me no more
The Pleiades and Bear will shine: I go;
My unknown home is on the further shore,
And when my darkened eyes mark nought below
The Mighty Hand shall guide me as before.
We cannot know it to its furthest end:
But still we hope the coming page may mend
Its story, and our sun shine out more fair;
That infant laughter may light age's care;
That Good and Evil's ravelled skeins shall blend
In closer harmony like friend with friend,
And God's love never leave us anywhere.
But now the book is closed, the dusk falls low
Upon the unknown sea: For me no more
The Pleiades and Bear will shine: I go;
My unknown home is on the further shore,
And when my darkened eyes mark nought below
The Mighty Hand shall guide me as before.
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