Kyrie, So Kyrie

"Kyrie', so "Kyrie',
Jankin singeth merry,
With "eléison'.

As I went on Yule day
In our procession,
Knew I jolly Jankin
By his merry tone--
Kyrie eléison.

Jankin began the office
On the Yule day,
And yet me think'th it does me good
So merry gan he say
"Kyrie eléison'

Jankin read the pistle
Full fair and full well,
And yet me think'th it does me good,
As ever have I sel.
Kyrie eléison.

Jankin at the Sanctus
Crack'th a merry note,
And yet me think'th it does me good--
I payed for his coat.
Kyrie eléison.

Jankin cracketh notes
An hundred on a knot
And yet he hack'th them smaller
Than wortes to the pot.
Kyrie eléison.

Jankin at the Agnus
Beareth the pax-bread;
He twinkeled but said nought,
And on my foot he tread.
Kyrie eléison.

Benedicamus Domino,
Christ from shame me shield!
Deo gratias thereto--
Alas I go with child!
Kyrie eléison.
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