Lookin' for the Bully of the Town


Monday I was 'rested, Tuesday I was fined,
Sent to chain gang, done serve my time,
Still I'm lookin' for that bully of this town.


The bully, the bully, the bully can't be found,
If I fin' that bully, goin' to lay his body down,
I'm lookin' for that bully of this town.


The police up town they're all scared,
But if I fin' that bully, I goin' to lay his body 'way,
For I'm lookin' for that bully of this town.


I'm goin' down on Peter Street;
If I fin' that bully, will be bloody meet,
For I'm lookin' for that bully of this town.


I went down town the other day,
I ask ev'ybody did that bully come this way,
I wus lookin' for that bully of this town.


Oh, the gov'ner of this State offer'd one hundred dollars reward,
To any body's arrested that bully boy,
I sho' lookin' for dat bully of this town.


Well, I found that bully on a Friday night,
I told that bully I's gwine to take his life,
I found dat bully of this town.


I pull out my gun an' begin to fire,
I shot that bully right through the eye,
An' I kill that bully of this town.


Now all the wimmins come to town all dressed in red,
When they heard that bully boy was dead,
An' it was the last of that bully of this town.
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