E'en though the world gives me rust,
Old and craggy like a weathered crust.
O drops of ease, let my life glitter like a refined gold,
Filled with sparkles of blessings and wonders untold.

When circumstances charge forth like a roaring lion,
Pressing me hot and flat like a coal iron.

Let energy seep into my veins,
Let my marrows be filled with strength,
Let my arms be full of wings
To surmount and fly above the tumult into the realms of unending bliss.

When the days are full of stress,
Strapping me into distress,
and everything becomes a mess.
O drops of ease into my sea of unease,
Calm my body, soothe my soul,
As drops of ice on a warm, dry earth.

When problems injure me like a hound,
With scars all over my body like wound,
O drops of ease, rain on me,
Wash and erase them all.

When dangers lie ahead,
with troubles lurking around, looking for a prey,
save me and keep me like bottled grains
A must-not-touch for birds.

When the earth holds me captive,
A fish caught in the net,
Slash it open and grant me instant freedom.

When the days are full of dilemma,
Like a chameleon performing its drama,
Grant me the stillness of heart to discern what is right.

When the days are dreary,
With clouds of darkness making me weary,
Many difficulties making me teary,
Let sunlight of hope glow into my life and shine brighter than the firmament.

With ease comes peace,
With ease, let all problems cease.

I desire my days to be remembered,
And my achievements be unnumbered,
Don't allow my life to be dismembered.
My world must not be hot as an ember,
But make my celebrations to be as joyful as December.

I'll forever ask,
I'll forever pray,
This day and always,
For all I want is to paint my days with bright colours of ease.



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Mohamed Sarfan's picture

Dear Poeter, The delightful life that we mentally intend to live is not actually available to billions of people in this world. The realities of life are taught to man as experience when the mind thinks of its state on the battlefield of loneliness. The happiness of every man who hovers smiles in the mind in search of silences is as beautiful as a rainbow. But, the sky of many human beings is plunged into darkness. When the mind realizes the difference between imagination and reality, man realizes what this life is like. After that some people live the life they got as they wished. I'm one of them. This poem really impressed me. All The Best My Dear Friend; Write More Congratulations

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