This tree grows
through all the rocks
that cover the spring field
rising through the mist
until it’s far into the sky
reaching beyond the heavens
providing strength
for generation after generation
a gift from God
Inspired by Manyoshu #29


Original Text

Modern Text


柿本人麻呂柿本人麻呂Kakinomoto no Hitomaro
畝火之山乃畝傍の山のUnebi no Yama o
橿原乃橿原のKashihara no
日知之御世従ひじりの御代ゆHijiri no Miyoyu
阿礼座師生れまししArema shishi
神之<盡>神のことごとKami no Koto-goto
樛木乃栂の木のTsuga no Ki no
弥継嗣尓いや継ぎ継ぎにIya tsugi-tsugi ni
天下天の下Ame no Shita
所知食之乎知らしめししをShirashi-meshishi wo
天尓満そらにみつSora ni mitsu
倭乎置而大和を置きてYamato wo okite
青丹吉あをによしAo ni yoshi
平山乎超奈良山を越えNara-yama wo koe
何方いかさまにIkasama ni
御念食可思ほしめせかOmoushi meseka
天離天離るAma zakaru
夷者雖有鄙にはあれどHina niha aredo
石走石走るIwa bashiru
淡海國乃近江の国のOomi no Kuni
樂浪乃楽浪のSasa-nami no
大津宮尓大津の宮にOotsu no Miyani
天下天の下Ame no Shita
所知食兼知らしめしけむShirashi-meshi kenu
天皇之天皇のSumeroki no
神之御言能神の命のKami no Mikoto no
大宮者大宮はOomiya ha
此間等雖聞ここと聞けどもKokoto kikedomo
大殿者大殿はOotono ha
此間等雖云ここと言へどもKokoto iedomo
春草之春草のHarukusa no
茂生有茂く生ひたるShigeku oitaru
霞立霞立つKasumi tatsu
春日之霧流春日の霧れるHaruhi no kireru
百礒城之ももしきのMomoshiki no
大宮處大宮ところOomiya tokoro
見者悲<毛>見れば悲しもMireba kanashimo




A poem by Kakimonoto no Hitomaro—he saw a ruined palace and became nostalgic. 
玉たすきThis word follows Umeri
畝傍の山のaround Umeri mountains
橿原のAt Kaziwara (place)
ひじりの御代ゆ(There were) emperors who knew the moment for the things
生れましし(they) Were born (there)
神のことごとAll gifted from the gods
栂の木のAs a strong tree
いや継ぎ継ぎに(family was solid for) Generation and generation
天の下Under the god
知らしめししを(this family) knows everything
そらにみつAs if growing to the sky(yamato)
大和を置きて(They ) left Yamato
あをによしBeautiful land (nara-yama)
奈良山を越え(They) went beyond
いかさまにHow did they
思ほしめせかFelt ( I wonder)
天離るAway from the heaven
鄙にはあれどIn a countryside ,yet  ( あれど-yet)
石走るThe rocks are lining
近江の国のIn Ohmi county
楽浪のAt Sasanami (area)
大津の宮にAt Ohtsu palace
天の下Their power (emperor)
神の命のHoly spirits’
ここと聞けどもwas here ( I had heard)
ここと言へどもWere here ,though
春草のSpring weed
茂く生ひたるIs growing thick
霞立つThere is a mist
春日の霧れるThe view is not clear on a spring day
ももしきのThis word leads 大宮
大宮ところThe place
見れば悲しも( feel) nostalgic, to see ( the palace)
Author of original: 
Kakinomoto no Hitomaro