Next Time
The order goes; what if we rush ahead
With friendly shouts, with welcoming and cheer
And loyal clasp of fellowship—instead
Of lethal gas, and bombs that maim and sear—
“Next time”?
If, in accord, the armies look afar
Where droops a Figure on a Cross; and hear,
“Of all my woe, ye make a mockery!”
With Him allied, what cause have we to fear—
“Next time”?
Firm in our faith, we stand together there,
Comrades and brothers; if we must be slain
So let our captains take us; but beware!
They cannot make us ope His wounds again—
“Next time”!
The order goes; what if we rush ahead
—With friendly shouts, with welcoming and cheer
And loyal clasp of fellowship—instead
—Of lethal gas, and bombs that maim and sear—
“Next time”?
If, in accord, the armies look afar
—Where droops a Figure on a Cross; and hear,
“Of all my woe, ye make a mockery!”
—With Him allied, what cause have we to fear—
“Next time”?
Firm in our faith, we stand together there,
—Comrades and brothers; if we must be slain
So let our captains take us; but beware!
—They cannot make us ope His wounds again—
With friendly shouts, with welcoming and cheer
And loyal clasp of fellowship—instead
Of lethal gas, and bombs that maim and sear—
“Next time”?
If, in accord, the armies look afar
Where droops a Figure on a Cross; and hear,
“Of all my woe, ye make a mockery!”
With Him allied, what cause have we to fear—
“Next time”?
Firm in our faith, we stand together there,
Comrades and brothers; if we must be slain
So let our captains take us; but beware!
They cannot make us ope His wounds again—
“Next time”!
The order goes; what if we rush ahead
—With friendly shouts, with welcoming and cheer
And loyal clasp of fellowship—instead
—Of lethal gas, and bombs that maim and sear—
“Next time”?
If, in accord, the armies look afar
—Where droops a Figure on a Cross; and hear,
“Of all my woe, ye make a mockery!”
—With Him allied, what cause have we to fear—
“Next time”?
Firm in our faith, we stand together there,
—Comrades and brothers; if we must be slain
So let our captains take us; but beware!
—They cannot make us ope His wounds again—
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