The Wine-Cup Bespoken

AIR — " One bumper at parting. "

Great Vulcan! your dark smoky palace,
With these ingots of silver, I seek;
And I beg you will make me a chalice,
Like the cup you once forged for the Greek.
Let no deeds of Bellona " the bloody "
Emblazon this goblet of mine;
But a garland of grapes, ripe and ruddy,
In sculpture around it entwine.

The festoon (which you'll gracefully model)
Is, remember, but part of the whole;
Lest, perchance, it might enter your noddle
To diminish the size of the bowl.
For though dearly what's deem'd ornamental,
And of art the bright symbols, I prize:
Still I cling with a fondness parental
Round a cup of the true good old size.

Let me have neither sun, moon, nor planet,
Nor " the Bear, " nor " the Twins, " nor " the Goat: "
Yet its use to each eye that may scan it,
Let a glance at its emblems denote.
Then away with Minerva and Venus!
Not a rush for them both do I care;
But let jolly old Father Silenus,
Astride on his jackass, be there!

Let a dance of gay satyrs, in cadence
Disporting, be seen mid the fruit:
And let Pan to a group of young maidens
Teach a new vintage-lay on his flute;
Cupid, too, hand in hand with Bathyllus,
May purple his feet in the foam:
Long may last the red joys they distil us!
Tho' Love spread his winglets to roam!
Author of original: 
Claudio Tolomei
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