Cacophony of Life

The cacophony of city streets,
A mish mash of jarring sounds
cars whizzing by, horns blaring,
Ambulance wails in a distance
Buses moan and screech
Clickety-Clack of the overhead
“L” trains rumbling by
The din, the clamor, the ruckus,
the racket, rattle and roar.
The street musicians
Dogs barking furiously down the lane
The chatter at the roadside vendors,
Oh, the babel of voices, the drunken brawls.

Come stealthily, O Death,
upon the wings of silent breath,
Underneath the mud and dust
I’ll lie quietly.


Regina's picture
Hello Abdul, You're a very talented writer, your poetry is outstanding. My wish is for every poet who competes on Poetrynook that hasn't won either an honorable mention, or a 1st place yet, that they succeed in getting either an hm or 1st place. Your work definitely merits awards. Some poets don't care about competitions, some do. Best Wishes for you to always enjoy writing, first, for your own satisfaction. :-)


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