Equations Faster than Light

the amplitude of the stars

the lyric imbecility
of hysterical sculpture
in its continuous ecstasy

peyotl jewels on the brain

suffering the dementia
of a romantic ejaculation

drowning in a drawing room
at the bottom of the sea

awash in
the discontinuity of matter

the discontinuity of matter

on new year’s eve
he sat on a balcony
above the gravel beach

playing chess with
an implacable computer

he paused the game
and reached to the shelf
for a book on openings

it became an orange
in his hands

he began to peel it
and divide it into


in the orgasm of the pupil
the eyes expand
straining from their sockets

vision is enhanced
by a sensation visceral
as well as cranial

synesthetic pulses
resonate through
the entire body

aspiring to the wave
of an arch telemetry
that broadcasts
the amplitude of the stars.

Appeared in Paper Crow