Experiment: Immortality

Experiment: Immortality

The thesis:

Linear circuitry is
inserted unwillingly.
Sinuous circuitry is
ripe for The Eating.

The theory:

So we feast as fast
as our neurons allow;
eating all the good,
chewing on the shit.

The experiment:

Here kiddo, take this,
it lets you eat all the time.
Like Mother, if it leaves
there’s a chance you die.

Fear not, Little One
for you can be immortalized.
Just go to settings — yes
it lets them click like.

Make sure you set it
so no one cries
when The Cleaner comes,
sees vacancy, and presses delete.

The questions:

How does it taste?
Is it worth the aches?
After all, it is a feast:
The Information Age.

The participants:

Keep eating, Mother.
Keep chewing, Father.
Swallow, Little One,
you must grow stronger.

Austin Gragg
