The folly of man

The most misery always finds
When one is but stalked by evil
When hate lies ahead, love behind
and soul is possessed by the devil,
Then dire fate threatens mankind.

Woe renders the soul helter-skelter
and lust rekindles some fatal desire,
When one finds in evil’s bosom a shelter
Then none can quench this raging fire
and couldn’t escape this boiling swelter.

Unless man feels ashamed of his mistake,
Unseen fog blankets this dark landscape
And the world would not ever wake,
Only then from this misery he can escape
Otherwise, there’s just too much at stake.

Lament at the imperfection of the man
Wiser it’s to shun the wanton pastimes
And overcome the devil’s unholy plan,          
We’re all guilty of our brothers’ crimes
In a bitter world love a little where we can.


Mohamed Sarfan's picture
Dear Poeter, There is no thought of man in many souls here; Therefore, there are innumerable bugs staged on earth. Righteous men are being sacrificed among inhumane people. Write More Congratulations

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