I Love You Father

As I traverse back down this memory lane
With this lovely picture of a man with his cane.
A hint of tiredness, a vision of dismay.
His windows dimmed beneath his tousled gray.

I remember those days when I was still a child
The efforts you did to pacify, every time I've gone wild.
With that ceaseless hide and seek, that tiresome chase
You still comforted me with your warm embrace.

Sometimes I felt that I'm not a good son
'Cause I always ignore things needed to be done.
Those white lies I kept just for you to impress
Became secrets that are now difficult to confess.

With all those burdens I added to your load
Am I worthy to be your son - your blood to be called?
Even those dearest words I'm about to utter
Became a statement that I always fail to muster.

You might have felt that I never cared for you,
My father - I love you, more than you ever do.
And if I could only bring back the days of yore
I would never give you the pains you tried to endure.


Mohamed Sarfan's picture
Dear Poeter, The relationship of a father is very important in the life of every human being. In the quest for life, the father acquires the status of a relationship as a friend or a teacher who conveys to his son or daughter through his experiences the realities that this universe carries. The father in this world is a man equal to a thousand mothers who carry his family on their shoulders for life. This poem really impressed me. All The Best My Dear Friend; Write More Congratulations

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