Reverse Midas Touch Part Two

Stomach-wrenching body blows dog those
blighted by chronic misadventure,
grim dervish whirl of death a maybe one day dice roll,
predicament that hoodoo mark in frozen ink,
cataclysmic episode relentless as unfolding bleak plot,
grandiose exploits somehow never quite transpire,
catalogue of hair-brained hatch schemes
bearing doomed lugubrious stamp,
dream laden Walter Mitty high wire act,
accomplishment on Richter scale peak,
craved from one’s deep ravine gut,
now faint spark ashen bonfire residue,
gilt-edge province fosters stainless steel chariot endeavour,
before mockery of ego rejection slips intrude,
painstaking valiance beyond familiar human norms boomerang,
mishap strewn pathways evince ghoulish graveyard whine,
magic is anathema to wretched soul oppressed by contretemps,
reverse that coy euphemism for continuous blunt flop,
Midas gold tarnished outlier but gutter bound nightmare,
subconscious eerie whisper that most loathsome turnscrew,
havoc wreaking spiral to amorphous gridlock,
blunder prone DNA blueprint askew,
self-esteem a rudderless craft whose
guile is rent on wicked sea,
photo finish phantom world frustration,
triumph that slippy eel marsh light,
almost there whiff of breath yet tantalising
distance an abject sandbank,
one can only shudder, only weep
for such victims of satanic wrongful
plight whose lack chillingly baffles description.

Third place podium medal in Poetry Soup Contest 
January 2023