I am the little girl next door
play-embracing the floor
My innocence was forcefully pilfered,
while everyone was away

I am the newest Mrs,
having barely explored conjugal mysteries
My breath was halted permanently,
by thoughtless fists fuming with anger

I am the latest graduate
tossed into the field of fate
I couldn't fill merited vacancies
because I am bereft of sabi-ficate*

I am the traveller
Unexplored destinations in my quiver
I failed to reach my destination,
because the spineless asphalt was blood thirsty

I am the innocent thug
Condemned by a perfect mob
metals laugh into my rouge rind,
as smoke resurrects impatiently

I am George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, Sandra bland -
I was jabbed into the world beyond
Because the color of my skin
Was perceived as God's costliest mistake

I am a son of the soil
Ahiajoku* knows my toil
But I couldn't reap my proceeds
bullets on stray nomadic hooves explored my body too soon

I am a scholar
With dreams seeking avenues to vent
I wake daily to breathtaking mediocrity,
Proudly implemented by our solomons of folly

I am an activist
My lips throw sharp jabs like Tyson's fist
Eerie biceps of intimidation,
Yokes me to a tryst with unmade morrows

I have the divine mandate, in need of your votes
I am bound by sacred office oaths
I will turn slums into heaven,
and siphon your resources into my deep offshore wells

I am the hard man
I cower not before any beast or man
But I can't explore sambisa* nor eliminate blood thirsty blades
My biceps camouflages cowardice

I am a religious leader
Picked by our maker
I dictate your every move,
because your brain is invalid

I am an officer of the law
protecting all without an atom of flaw
Fat brown envelopes rep your innocence
That or behind the bars

I am flora shaw's daughter
A continent's giant
At fifty nine I suck arid breasts
adorned in soiled nappies, plying the next available route of retrogression.

*A term used by west Africans to depict one having connections to higher places
*god of yam and agriculture in igbo pantheon (west Africa)
*A forest and stronghold of Boko haram terrorists in north eastern Nigeria