We Were Young Once

We were young once, and innocent,
Wand’ring ‘neath the leaf laden
Boughs of sturdy oak and maple trees,
Or through lush green meadows,
Watching monarch butterflies flutter,
Gold and brown, on the late spring breeze.

We were young once, and happy,
Running through frothing ocean surf
With sand crack’ling ‘tween our toes,
Or walking hand in hand along the salty beach
And wond’ring,
If this is how love grows.

We were young once, and vibrant,
Dancing to the rhythm
Of our hearts beating in harmony
‘Neath the silvery moon,
While the whip-poor-wills
Sing their unearthly symphony.

We were young once. But no longer.
The innocence of youth has given way
To the wisdom of years,
And in this twilight of our lives,
We cannot mourn the passing of days
Filled to overflowing with hopes and fears,

For we were young once, and loved.