Alive Again!

Jesus the babe,
Was born in a manger,
Soon to become,
Our crucified savior.

Threatened by first,
One king then the next,
Jesus alone,
Knew it was for the best.

He taught in the temple,
Even when he was younger,
The tables of merchants,
He cleft all assunder.

No one defiled,
The house of his father,
Unless they desired,
To see Jesus anger.

When Jesus was praying,
One day in the garden,
Some men came to grab him,
Without asking his pardon.

For years he had preached,
And he healed the sick,
But fear of an uproar,
Caused their hearts to be sick.

So they came in the night,
Mean looks in their faces,
To take him to judgement,
They counted the paces.

He came along calmly,
For he knew the plan,
To stand trial for others,
Was part of his plan.

The verdict was clear,
Kill him they said,
For healing the sick,
And raising the dead.

He was crucified Friday,
And on the third day,
He arose from the tomb,
On glorious Sunday.

Jesus gave us a gift,
Eternal life,
All we must do,
Is accept with no fright.

He'll forgive all our sins,
If only we ask,
He'll walk right beside you,
When you're close to collapse.

He loves you forever,
He always will,
If you ever should doubt it,
Just look at his will.

His will is the bible,
It names us all,
As inheriters of great wealth,
If we answer the call.

Its for the believers,
Those who yet live,
And choose unto Jesus,
Their whole lives to give.

He's not asking much,
Compared to the cost,
Of life eternal,
And saving the lost.

The Lord Jesus Christ,
To him say AMEN!
He reigns up in heaven,
He is Alive Again!