A Classic Game

Maneuvering through life's numerous mazes
Adventure waiting around each corner
It's thrilling, nerve-wracking , and sometimes gut wrenching 
It's about making the right moves at the right time
It's about overcoming obstacles
It's about taking advantage of those sweet treats that give you a boost!
Sometimes we win
Sometimes we lose
But we always learn
We get better each time we play
We learn to make adjustments as we go
One minute I'm cruising along and collecting memories thinking I have it figured out
I turn to my left and see a ghost 
I panic
I think
I regroup

​Sometimes that ghost gets the best of me
Sometimes I turn around and take a different path and kick that ghost's ass!
There are days I make it to my safe space
And there are some days I abandon my dream and run away
Whether I hear victory music playing or that obnoxious try again theme song, I always give it my all during each level of game play
Just because my game is over today doesn't mean I won't start over tomorrow.