Don't call me weak

Don't call me weak
Just because I always weep
For I know no other way
To express what I have to say
Don't label me blind
Just because I miss the signs
For my eyes are sealed shut
And those chains I've tried to cut
Don't tell me the sky's not blue
For still blind my mind is true
Nothing perfect ever dies
For prefect's not a part of life
Don't let me die alone
Just because I prefer to roam
By my lonely lonesome self
I'd prefer if someone else
Would keep me company along the way
And hear out all I have to say
And let me free this burden from
All these chains now feel numb
So don't call me selfish
When I decide to die
For a choice is a choice
And it happens to be mine
And I happen to see fine
Though sealed shut with locks and cuffs
My eyes still see
Yes they happen to be free
And they have a mind of their own
It's the one that claims my brains throne
It's the mind that shows me clarity
The mind that refuses charity
The mind that has seen
What Hell my life's been
The mind that has fought
And survived darkness and fraught
And with every ordeal
The same message is taught
They only one who's your friend
Is the you in your heart
Don’t say I've lost
My story is written in pain
The darkness's a cost
And every word is a gain
So don't call me weak
For every piece of me is strong
Every unremembered memory
Is my minds forgiven reverie