The day arises and then decends,
After that the night starts and ends,
Day after day it never stops,
The control of time ain't in our hands.

Not a single step shall be retained,
Nor a single dead shall be regained,
Nor a single moment shall be stopped,
Nor the force of time will ever be tamed.

The race against time shall always be lost,
For thousands of years we have bore the cost,
There is no way of defeating it,
Not giving up won't make this berg defrost.

The force of time can't be absolved,
Nor can this powerful force be revolved,
Past, present, future are this force's names,
That's why time is a mystery remained unsolved.

Stop wasting time and follow the light,
Follow your dreams and they'll be in sight,
Only look forward and live your life,
'Cause you never know when the time is right.