The Harmony of Living

by Sweety

When you look at stars

And sigh in gleeful submission

When you stretch out on the sand

And relish at the warmth of the sun

When you bury your face in grass

And smile, keeping your eyes closed

When you accept life

The way it is

Why, does it not bring about

The harmony of living!


Even if our existence is loaded with hurdles

Even if our origins are still inked with riddles


When we submit to life

When we celebrate life

When we kill our miseries

When we allow our fragrant essence to survive


Does it not bring about

The harmony of living!


Why, if only

If only I was a mythical princess

I would have enchanted the whole world

With a swipe of my magic wand

I would have spread it everywhere

This harmony of living

Knowing that such

Would cause everyone to enjoy their stay here

Knowing that such would have brought about

A universal state of peace and bliss!