New inner critic wanted, please apply
to the usual address
inside my head.

No time-wasters needed,
no interrogators,
just some kindness,
the ability to learn.

New inner critic wanted, the last one
has left for a new job
in a high security prison
more in tune
with their abilities.

No need
for fancy CVs
or qualifications,
the ability to be silent is a must,
to sit back,
let things happen.

No torturers needed,
no interrogators,
but someone who can empty all the filing cabinets
and create new space
to move about in.

New inner critic wanted,
your job will be a vital one,
the day to day wellbeing
of the individual,
the making possible
of future plans.

No torturers needed,
no interrogators, 
just some compassion,
the ability to listen.

New inner critic wanted,
please apply.