The Night of Christmas

I’m spending a quiet evening
this Christmas – just by myself.

I shut off the Christmas music
and plunge my house
in total darkness and silence.

I drop down on my knees –
Depressed, sorrowful and forlorn –
I join my hands
bow my head
and cry silently
trying to lighten the turmoil within,
To mend the lilt
of the true spirit of Christmas
that time has set awry.

I light a solitary candle
and venture to gather some warmth
from its gentle and heartening glow
reassuring and bathing me
in peace and comfort.

No one is coming over
and I have nowhere to go,
I have bought no gifts and
have nothing to sip or savor.

But wait...
Who now knocks at the door?
--A disquieting feeling
permeates my being—
Who I wonder
would venture out in this
frosty Christmas night?

As I open the door
I see a wicker basket
with warm loaves of bread
and a jug of wine
fetchingly set on my doorstep.

My eyes glistened in deep gratitude.

But there’s no one in sight,
hush all around and quiet,

And then...

through this dark and foggy night
I see
A solitary star aglow
and footprints in the snow.