In the Ocean’s Company

The ocean converses with my soul,
Its waves constantly break at the shore,
With such delicacy that it calms my very core.

The composure of the waves
Against the conflict coming from within
Poses a pronounced contrast.

I tremble and agonize with self-doubt,
“Will I ever be as healthy as the crowd?
What about all that I’ve been endowed?”

I envision the future in black or white,
And I am convinced that it is not right,
So I attempt to dismiss my concerns outright.

Exasperating anxiety and dark depression
Subsist on my debilitating thoughts,
Leaving me depleted of ambition and drive.

The waves gently pat my feet in succession,
Grains of sand lightly tickle my toes,
And my unfavorable thoughts leave in regression.

Just beginning to apprehend my potential,
Yet I am certain I possess power that is
As challenging to fathom as the depth of the ocean.

The ocean chants in tranquilizing harmony,
I become utterly mesmerized by the melody,
Blessed by its presence and virtuous company.

The continuous battle within myself
Threatens my existence as it always has,
But I refuse to permit it to be my last.