Who Is The Mountain

A Found Poem Created By: Junia Neufeld

1. It seems since the beginning
2. With mountains strong and sparkling snow
3. There are no houses, no farms
4. Thy pleasing views
5. The mountains
6. Are friends
7. And I want to go back
8. Natures great splendor, the great outdoors
9. The history of man kind
10. So sharp
11. Through the mountains and valleys
12. He is an animal
13. Through the high mountains
14. Amongst the rocks
15. Deep in shade it lies
16. I must go back to the mountains
17. It’s always on my mind
18. To breathe again; to taste the bliss
19. From our pure home on high
20. To walk into that beauty
21. Hopes touch the sky
22. And we are homeward bound
23. The happy traveler
24. Turn by turn
25. Up to the lofty mountains of the sky.
26. When you die
27. Your heart will form the shape
28. Of Giant mountains
29. Are you my death?
30. I heard the mountain speak
31. You're the mountain huge and high
32. And I am the Great I am


1. ‘The Spell of Yukon’ Robert W. Service
2. ‘The Maple Leaf Forever’ Vladimir Radain
3. ‘Coming Home’ Dennis Lee
4. ‘Abrams Plains’ Thomas Cary
5. ‘They Call It Canada’ Jubilee Songbook
6. ‘They Call It Canada’ Jubilee Songbook
7. ‘The Spell of Yukon’ Robert W. Service
8. ‘What It Means to Be Canadian’ Eric Hindson
9. ‘The Mountain’ A.M Klein
10. ‘Through These Mountains’ Peter Christian
11. ‘Through These Mountains’ Peter Christian
12. ‘McLeod River’ Raymond Parker
13. ‘Through These Mountains’ Peter Christian
14. ‘McLeod River’ Raymond Parker
15. ‘A Mountain Gateway’ Bliss Carmen,
16. ‘Oh Calcutta’ Raymond Parker
17. ‘Home Poem’ Emily Grade 6 Ontario’
18. ‘Resurgam’ Mary B. Huber
19. ‘Lullaby’ Miss Baldwin
20. ‘To Walk Into that Beauty’ Karen Enns
21. ‘Canada Day..!’ Chris Robertson,
22. ‘Our Canadian Boys’ Michael Patrick O’Brien
23. ‘A Mountain Gateway’ Bliss Carmen
24. ‘A Mountain Gateway’ Bliss Carmen
25. ‘Doukhober’ John Newlove
26. ‘White Sands’ Christopher Dewdney
27. ‘Canada’ Kassie Joy Elanik,
28. ‘God Bless the Bear’ Joe Flach
29. ‘The Mountain’ Joe Flach
30. Added line by Junia
31. ‘You’re The…’ Nima Akbari
32. ‘I am the Great I am’ Deanie


MyNAh_27's picture
Hi Junia, I hope I can do justice to your flattering review of my poem. Having read the layered splendour, sequential beauty, and smooth transitions in your picturesque entry several times I’m moved by what you have said. This is a very personal poem and I value depth in all its aspects. Sincere thanks for reading my entry, your kind comments and the time involved. I wish you well in this contest too and other contests, MyNAh_27

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Junia Neufeld's picture
Aww Thanks MyNah_w7. I no need to do me justice! I know whats it's like to have siblings so this poem I related to. You are very welcome!! It was no problem at all for me and when I feel someone deserves something I go all the way. : )

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