Weekly Contest

Poetry contest
19 competitors

Classic poem of the day

Smooth between sea and land
Is laid the yellow sand,
And here through summer days
The seed of Adam plays.

Here the child comes to found
His unremaining mound,
And the grown lad to score
Two names upon the shore.

Here, on the level sand,
Between the sea and land,
What shall I build or write
Against the fall of night?

Tell me of runes to grave
That hold the bursting wave,
Or bastions to design
For longer date than mine.

Shall it be Troy or Rome
I fence against the foam,
Or my own name, to stay
When I depart for aye?

Nothing: too near at hand,
Planing the figured sand,
Effacing clean and fast
Cities not built to last
And charms devised in vain,
Pours the confounding main.

member poem of the day

Valley at the edge of dawn sculpted by time
telltale chalk mark etches faultline as token
to an early phase amorous intrigue awash
with earthly heaven in sun gestating skyline
soggy green mist-laden foliage amid  grass
stem slope's spiral incline for acquatic gulley
groove, and azure blue chasm against an
eerie morning solemn bird chirp tone float
upon us saunteres of golden stream first flush
surreal heart weave to this otherworldy glen