10. Utinam Viderem
‘O would,’ said holy Bernard, ‘I could see
The Church of God as in the days of old!’
So yearns my feebler spirit to behold—
Ah! yet far off—thy Church, Humanity!
As in the coming ages it shall be,
When nations shall be gather'd in thy fold,
In every tongue thy oracles be told,
And millions in thy temples bow the knee.
Then we no more shall spend our wealth of love
Upon imagin'd beings in the skies,
Or waste our thoughts on things beyond our ken;
But flood our hearts with human sympathies,
Content our planet dwelling to improve,
And solace, raise, and bless our brother-men.
The Church of God as in the days of old!’
So yearns my feebler spirit to behold—
Ah! yet far off—thy Church, Humanity!
As in the coming ages it shall be,
When nations shall be gather'd in thy fold,
In every tongue thy oracles be told,
And millions in thy temples bow the knee.
Then we no more shall spend our wealth of love
Upon imagin'd beings in the skies,
Or waste our thoughts on things beyond our ken;
But flood our hearts with human sympathies,
Content our planet dwelling to improve,
And solace, raise, and bless our brother-men.
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