2 The Child's Resolution -
The Child's Resolution.
Help me my God ! For unto thee
I do Resolve to Pray ,
To Grant thy Christ and Grace to me;
I'll do it every Day .
Heavenly Father, Give me thy Christ;
Give me thy Spirit; Pardon my Sins ;
Make me thy Servant; Bring me to thy
Kingdom; O Great GOD, who art Father,
And Son, and Holy Spirit; I Desire to be
Thine for evermore . Amen.
Help me my God ! For unto thee
I do Resolve to Pray ,
To Grant thy Christ and Grace to me;
I'll do it every Day .
Heavenly Father, Give me thy Christ;
Give me thy Spirit; Pardon my Sins ;
Make me thy Servant; Bring me to thy
Kingdom; O Great GOD, who art Father,
And Son, and Holy Spirit; I Desire to be
Thine for evermore . Amen.
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