While thus the powers of Elegance unfold
Their Faery visions to his dazzled view,
With scorn his eyes the homely spot behold;—
Anxious the steps of Nature to pursue,
On humbler scale his eager thoughts renew
Whate'er the sons of genuine taste admire,
Whate'er the hands of Brown and S HENSTONE drew,
Or W HEATLEY 's sober diction could inspire,
Or wak'd the sounding strings of M ASON 's heavenly Lyre.
Their Faery visions to his dazzled view,
With scorn his eyes the homely spot behold;—
Anxious the steps of Nature to pursue,
On humbler scale his eager thoughts renew
Whate'er the sons of genuine taste admire,
Whate'er the hands of Brown and S HENSTONE drew,
Or W HEATLEY 's sober diction could inspire,
Or wak'd the sounding strings of M ASON 's heavenly Lyre.
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