21. Ianthis and Stella -
When Venus knit the bond that tied
Ianthis to her poet,
" No greater gift is mine," she cried,
" On Stella I bestow it."
So spake she for the bride to hear,
Anon, her craft betraying,
She murmured low in Stella's ear.
" Thou rogue, beware of straying;
The wanton war-god oft hath known
The wrath of vengeful Venus,
Before he was my spouse alone
When rivals came between us.
Now wedded, none disputes with me
My sway supreme and royal,
And Juno well may wish that she
Could boast a mate as loyal."
She ceased and gave the blow unseen,
From which no hearts recover;
Now smite alike, O gracious queen,
The lady and her lover.
Ianthis to her poet,
" No greater gift is mine," she cried,
" On Stella I bestow it."
So spake she for the bride to hear,
Anon, her craft betraying,
She murmured low in Stella's ear.
" Thou rogue, beware of straying;
The wanton war-god oft hath known
The wrath of vengeful Venus,
Before he was my spouse alone
When rivals came between us.
Now wedded, none disputes with me
My sway supreme and royal,
And Juno well may wish that she
Could boast a mate as loyal."
She ceased and gave the blow unseen,
From which no hearts recover;
Now smite alike, O gracious queen,
The lady and her lover.
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