322: Whitsuntide. Sancti Spiritus Adsit Nobis Gratia
Come , O Holy Ghost, within us; and, removing by Thy grace
Every taint and tinge of evil, make our hearts Thy dwelling place.
Be with us, O quickening Spirit; Thou canst pierce the deepest night:
Cleanse our base imaginations, change our darkness into light
O Thou Holy One Who lovest wisdom always, be Thou kind,
By Thy mystical anointing heal the blindness of our mind.
Thou That purifiest all things, as none else beside Thee can,
Purify the clouded eyesight, Spirit, of our inner man;
That by us our Heavenly Father may at last be seen and known:
For the pure in heart shall see Him, and the pure in heart alone.
Fired by Thee the holy Prophets sang, of old, Messiah's birth;
By Thee fortified, Apostles bore Christ's banner o'er the earth.
When God spake, and as a fabric rose up earth and sea and sky,
Thou wast brooding on the waters, Blessed Spirit, fosteringly.
Still at thy command the waters bring forth life, to quicken hearts;
Still Thy sacred inspiration unto man new life imparts.
Lord, Thou makest tongues of Babel one in worship and in speech:
Truth to them who bowed to idols, mighty Master, Thou dost teach.
Therefore when we kneel before Thee hear us, gracious Spirit, hear;
Prayers are all in vain without Thee, shall not reach the Father's ear.
Spirit, Who through all the ages hast instructed in Thy loreSouls of Saints that felt Thy presence like a shadow hovering o'er,
Dwelling now in Christ's Apostles, in a new and wondrous way,
And the gift of gifts bestowing, Thou hast glorified this day.
Every taint and tinge of evil, make our hearts Thy dwelling place.
Be with us, O quickening Spirit; Thou canst pierce the deepest night:
Cleanse our base imaginations, change our darkness into light
O Thou Holy One Who lovest wisdom always, be Thou kind,
By Thy mystical anointing heal the blindness of our mind.
Thou That purifiest all things, as none else beside Thee can,
Purify the clouded eyesight, Spirit, of our inner man;
That by us our Heavenly Father may at last be seen and known:
For the pure in heart shall see Him, and the pure in heart alone.
Fired by Thee the holy Prophets sang, of old, Messiah's birth;
By Thee fortified, Apostles bore Christ's banner o'er the earth.
When God spake, and as a fabric rose up earth and sea and sky,
Thou wast brooding on the waters, Blessed Spirit, fosteringly.
Still at thy command the waters bring forth life, to quicken hearts;
Still Thy sacred inspiration unto man new life imparts.
Lord, Thou makest tongues of Babel one in worship and in speech:
Truth to them who bowed to idols, mighty Master, Thou dost teach.
Therefore when we kneel before Thee hear us, gracious Spirit, hear;
Prayers are all in vain without Thee, shall not reach the Father's ear.
Spirit, Who through all the ages hast instructed in Thy loreSouls of Saints that felt Thy presence like a shadow hovering o'er,
Dwelling now in Christ's Apostles, in a new and wondrous way,
And the gift of gifts bestowing, Thou hast glorified this day.
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