Again, to the Same Trulie-Noble Earle, and His Most Honorable Other Halfe Sir James Haies Knight, &c.
Sith God and King, and your mindes sympathie
Haue made you Two, an vndeuided One
(One, as of two, loue makes an Vnity)
I cannot giue a Guift to one alone:
For (will I, nill I) if to one I send
A token of my loue, or loues desire,
That sending to the other must extend,
Sith loue doth make your Vnion so intire.
Your Soueraigne (that with Iudgments Sharpest Eye
Transpearceth all that is oppos'd to it)
Saw ye were made for loue of Maiestie ,
Sith carelesse yee were of more benefit.
O they are worthie to be Minions
To God, and King, that loue but for their loue:
Who to them both and their dominions,
Yeeld fruites of sweete Affects for bothes behoue.
No Sunne ere saw two Fau'rites of a King
(For, for the most part, such hurt great, and small)
More deere to al, for their Place mannaging,
Then your (deere Paire) prest to do good to all!
In loue contending who, for Vertues sake,
(O blessed strife excelling Vnitie!)
Shall do most good, and most men bounden make
To you, to whom the World it selfe would tye:
Hold on rare Spirites; this emulation
Is such as, with fine force, your fames aduance
Beyond the compasse of Confusion,
And reach of Enuy , Sclander, and Mischance
O striue to show the World yee scorne
To turne such publicke grace to priuate gaine:
(As if you were for your selues onely borne)
Sith all, but Vertue , is as vile as vayne:
As if I liue, you, liuing thus, I may
Legend your liues in Liues that scorne decay:
And, Skill shall faile me but Ile place yee neere
Castor , and Pollux in the Heau'nly Spheare.
The sinceare loue of your herociall vertues Iohn Dauies
Haue made you Two, an vndeuided One
(One, as of two, loue makes an Vnity)
I cannot giue a Guift to one alone:
For (will I, nill I) if to one I send
A token of my loue, or loues desire,
That sending to the other must extend,
Sith loue doth make your Vnion so intire.
Your Soueraigne (that with Iudgments Sharpest Eye
Transpearceth all that is oppos'd to it)
Saw ye were made for loue of Maiestie ,
Sith carelesse yee were of more benefit.
O they are worthie to be Minions
To God, and King, that loue but for their loue:
Who to them both and their dominions,
Yeeld fruites of sweete Affects for bothes behoue.
No Sunne ere saw two Fau'rites of a King
(For, for the most part, such hurt great, and small)
More deere to al, for their Place mannaging,
Then your (deere Paire) prest to do good to all!
In loue contending who, for Vertues sake,
(O blessed strife excelling Vnitie!)
Shall do most good, and most men bounden make
To you, to whom the World it selfe would tye:
Hold on rare Spirites; this emulation
Is such as, with fine force, your fames aduance
Beyond the compasse of Confusion,
And reach of Enuy , Sclander, and Mischance
O striue to show the World yee scorne
To turne such publicke grace to priuate gaine:
(As if you were for your selues onely borne)
Sith all, but Vertue , is as vile as vayne:
As if I liue, you, liuing thus, I may
Legend your liues in Liues that scorne decay:
And, Skill shall faile me but Ile place yee neere
Castor , and Pollux in the Heau'nly Spheare.
The sinceare loue of your herociall vertues Iohn Dauies
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