An Age of petty tit-for-tat
An age of petty tit-for-tat,
An age of busy gabble;
An age that like a brewer's vat
Is bursting for the rabble.
An age too fast, an age too slow
An age of vast abuses:
When gentlemen & ladies grow
Too dainty for their uses.
An age that drives an iron horse:
Of earth & skies defiant:
Exulting in a Giant force
& trembling at the Giant.
An age of Quaker hue & cut,
That bows to Kings of Cotton:
[line left blank ]
By Mammon misbegotten.
An age that [blank ]
[line left blank ]
Deep-dungeon'd in its own conceit,
A drunkard's elevation.
An age of which to hope the best,
Will learn it once was crazy:
An age of busy gabble;
An age that like a brewer's vat
Is bursting for the rabble.
An age too fast, an age too slow
An age of vast abuses:
When gentlemen & ladies grow
Too dainty for their uses.
An age that drives an iron horse:
Of earth & skies defiant:
Exulting in a Giant force
& trembling at the Giant.
An age of Quaker hue & cut,
That bows to Kings of Cotton:
[line left blank ]
By Mammon misbegotten.
An age that [blank ]
[line left blank ]
Deep-dungeon'd in its own conceit,
A drunkard's elevation.
An age of which to hope the best,
Will learn it once was crazy:
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