All Hail! thou born of more than Kingly Race


All Hail ! thou born of more than Kingly Race ,
Monarchs and Poets did thy Lineage Grace!
At once the Crown and Lawrel drest,
The Royal Family of ESST .
Great ARIOSTO from Thy Race did spring ,
That taught his Hero's how to Love and Sing !
May all the Joys Triumphant Beauties Bless,
And all Chast Lovers fancy in Success :
May all the Glory that on Empires wait,
With ev'ry quiet of retreat ,
Crown your soft hours , and be in Heav'n confirm'd,
While to secure you Blest , the adoring Worlds concern'd.

Great Prince of wonders , welcome to that Throne ,
Both to Your Vertues , and Your Sufferings due,
By Heav'n and Birth-right all Your own,
You shar'd the Danger , share the Glory too;
Whom Providence , (by Numerous Miracles wrought)
Through all the mazes of Misfortunes brought!
You mount the unruly World with easie force ,
Reward with joy, but Punish with remorse;
The wanton Beast Restive with ease has lain,
And 'gainst the Rider lifts the sawcy heel;
But now a skilful hand assumes the Rein ,
He do's the experienc'd Conquerour feel,
And finds his head-strong Disobedience vain,
Proud of his Glorious load , he leaps , and bounds
Becomes the Beauty of the neighbouring Plains ,
New Life and new Activity he gains,
And through the Groves his cheerful Neigh resounds
Lives Glad and Gay , beneath that Generous Rule
That ne're will let his useful Mettle cool .
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