Amour 16 -
Vertues Idea in virginitie,
By inspiration, came conceav'd with thought:
The time is come delivered she must be,
Where first my Love into the world was brought.
Unhappy Borne, of all unhappy day,
So luckles was my Babes nativity:
Saturne chiefe Lord of the Ascendant lay,
The wandring Moone in earths triplicitie.
Now, or by chaunce, or heavens hie providence,
His Mother died, and by her Legacie,
(Fearing the stars presaged influence,)
Bequeath'd his wardship to my soveraignes eye;
Where hunger-starven, wanting lookes to live,
Still empty gorg'd, with cares consumption pynde,
Salt luke-warme teares shee for his drinke did give,
And ever-more with sighes he supt and dynde.
And thus (poore Orphan) lying in distresse,
Cryes in his pangs, God helpe the motherlesse.
By inspiration, came conceav'd with thought:
The time is come delivered she must be,
Where first my Love into the world was brought.
Unhappy Borne, of all unhappy day,
So luckles was my Babes nativity:
Saturne chiefe Lord of the Ascendant lay,
The wandring Moone in earths triplicitie.
Now, or by chaunce, or heavens hie providence,
His Mother died, and by her Legacie,
(Fearing the stars presaged influence,)
Bequeath'd his wardship to my soveraignes eye;
Where hunger-starven, wanting lookes to live,
Still empty gorg'd, with cares consumption pynde,
Salt luke-warme teares shee for his drinke did give,
And ever-more with sighes he supt and dynde.
And thus (poore Orphan) lying in distresse,
Cryes in his pangs, God helpe the motherlesse.
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