Ane Sang of the Birth of Christ, with the Tune of Baw Lula Low

My saul and life stand up and see
Wha lyis in ane crib of tree.
What Babe is that, sa gude and fair?
It is Christ, Goddis son and heir.

Welcome now, gracious God of micht,
To sinners vile, puir, and unricht.
Thou come to save us from distress;
How can we thank thy gentleness?

God that made all creature,
How art thou now becumit sa puir,
That on the hay and stray will lie,
Amang the asses, oxen, and kye!

And war the warld ten times sa wide,
Cled owre with gold and stanes of pride,
Unworthy it war, yet to thee,
Under thy feet ane stool to be.

The silk and sandell thee to ease,
Are hay, and simple sweilling claes,
Wherein thou glories, greatest King,
As thou in heaven war in thy Ring.

Thou took sic painis temporal,
To make me rich perpetual,
For all this warldis wealth and gude
Can nathing rich thy celsitude.

O my dear heart, young Jesus sweet,
Prepare thy cradle for my spreit,
And I sall rock thee in my heart,
And never mair fra thee depart.

But I sall praise thee evermore
With sangis sweet unto thy gloir;
The knees of my heart sall I bow,
And sing this richt Balulalow.

Gloir be to God eternallie,
Whilk gave his only Son for me:
The angellis joyis for to hear
The gracious gift of this New Year.
Author of original: 
Martin Luther
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