She lies three thousand fathoms deep
Under Bermuda's mountain shelf,
The green-eyed Princess Verdamor
Whose mother was a wayward elf;
Whose mother was the moon-lost elf
Who left unlocked the Ocean Door:
She lies three thousand fathoms deep,
Three times three thousand years ago
There spread a milk-and-honey plain
From the great jade-stone Ocean Door
To what is many castled Spain;
All of the westbound roads from Spain
Loverwise veered to Verdamor,
Three times three thousand years ago.
I know .
Under Bermuda's mountain shelf,
The green-eyed Princess Verdamor
Whose mother was a wayward elf;
Whose mother was the moon-lost elf
Who left unlocked the Ocean Door:
She lies three thousand fathoms deep,
Three times three thousand years ago
There spread a milk-and-honey plain
From the great jade-stone Ocean Door
To what is many castled Spain;
All of the westbound roads from Spain
Loverwise veered to Verdamor,
Three times three thousand years ago.
I know .
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