Balade 140


B IAUIÉ souvereinne perfect and goodness,
Grace and without per douçour esmeree
Make me languish in country lonteinne
In my lady desiring desiree.
If can not have long-term
And my dolour long endure,
And desires that will not let me continue.

For I have that desire and traveille peinne
Deffaire of me and my lady honnouree
Bread does not know if I've grievance peinne
For li I loved more than any nothings born;
If only for this my joy is so finee
That nothings puet cuer my comfort,
And desires that will not let me continue.

But one that is long procheinne me,
By memories and fresh thinking,
Sceüst to see that loiaute certeinne
Serves it in my cuers strange country,
My joy in fust any renewed.
But I see very well that suits me finer,
And desires that will not let me leave last.
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