The Bard of Glen-Ullin

Though my eyes are grown dim, and my locks are turn'd gray,
I feel not the storm of life's bleak wintry day,
For my cot is well thatch'd, and my barns are full stor'd,
And chearful content still presides at my board.
Warm hearted Benevolence stands at my door,
Dispensing her gifts to the wandering poor,
The glow of the heart does my bounty repay,
And lightens the cares of life's bleak wintry day.

From the summit of years I look down on the vale,
Where Age pines in sorrow, neglected and pale,
There the sunshine of fortune scarce deign'd to bestow
One heart-chearing smile to the wand'rers below.
From the sad dreary prospect, this lesson I drew,
That those who are helpless are friended by few,
So with vig'rous industry I smooth'd the rough way,
That leads through the vale of life's bleak wintry day.

Then, my son, let the Bard of Glen-Ullin advise,
For years can give counsel, experience makes wise,
'Midst thy wand'rings, let honour for aye be thy guide,
O'er thy actions let honesty ever preside.
Then, though hardships assail thee, in virtue thou'lt smile,
For light is the heart that's untainted with guile;
But, if fortune attend thee, my counsels obey,
Prepare for the storms of life's bleak wintry day.
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