Batter Pudding.
A frugal man, upon the whole,
Yet loved his friend, and had a soul;
Knew what was handsome, and would do't
On just occasion, coûte qui coûte.
He brought him bacon (nothing lean);
Pudding, that might have pleased a dean;
Cheese, such as men of Suffolk make,
But wished it Stilton for his sake.
Take six ounces of flour, a little salt, and three eggs; beat it well
with a little milk, added by degrees, till the batter becomes smooth;
make it the thickness of cream; put it into a buttered and floured bag;
tie it tightly; boil one and a half hour, or two hours. Serve with wine
Yet loved his friend, and had a soul;
Knew what was handsome, and would do't
On just occasion, coûte qui coûte.
He brought him bacon (nothing lean);
Pudding, that might have pleased a dean;
Cheese, such as men of Suffolk make,
But wished it Stilton for his sake.
Take six ounces of flour, a little salt, and three eggs; beat it well
with a little milk, added by degrees, till the batter becomes smooth;
make it the thickness of cream; put it into a buttered and floured bag;
tie it tightly; boil one and a half hour, or two hours. Serve with wine
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