The Bell-Cavern
I know a curious grotto
With crystals vaulted round,
'Tis by some God invested
With wondrous powers of sound;
Whate'er one sings, whate'er one tells,
Re-echoes like a peal of bells.
Two blest ones there are standing,
(Like hopes their spirits move),
Their pent desires outpouring,
Avowing mutual love;
Meanwhile a clear-voiced bell keeps time
With one of deeper, stronger chime!
There lie some boon-companions
The stony bench along;
Full cups of wine they brandish,
Sing scraps of drunken song;
Ne'er rang the echoes louder, higher —
Like bells that warn of storm or fire.
Two men, sedate and earnest,
Linked by pure freedom's band,
Are anxiously discussing
Their German Fatherland;
Hark! from the farthest nook a bell
Booms deeply, like a funeral knell.
With crystals vaulted round,
'Tis by some God invested
With wondrous powers of sound;
Whate'er one sings, whate'er one tells,
Re-echoes like a peal of bells.
Two blest ones there are standing,
(Like hopes their spirits move),
Their pent desires outpouring,
Avowing mutual love;
Meanwhile a clear-voiced bell keeps time
With one of deeper, stronger chime!
There lie some boon-companions
The stony bench along;
Full cups of wine they brandish,
Sing scraps of drunken song;
Ne'er rang the echoes louder, higher —
Like bells that warn of storm or fire.
Two men, sedate and earnest,
Linked by pure freedom's band,
Are anxiously discussing
Their German Fatherland;
Hark! from the farthest nook a bell
Booms deeply, like a funeral knell.
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