

There's not a flower that ever blows
But tells of blossoms fairer far.
Who ever saw the sweet queen rose?
What eye hath reached the furthest star?
There's not a joy that earth can bring
But tells of something holier yet:
Delight that bears no hidden sting,
And joy not followed by regret.
This is the gladdening word of time
To hearts that sorrow and despond;
Each hill-top that our footsteps climb
Reveals a grander peak beyond.


Beyond! Beyond each sorrow waits
The joy for which it paved the way
Beyond all storms the sunset's gates!
Blue skies beyond the clouds and spray!
Beyond the hopes and fears of youth
The sober strength of manhood's soul:
Beyond all doubts eternal truth;
Beyond the course the certain goal.
Beyond the stars that flash and gleam
The heaven unseen by mortal eyes:
Beyond earth's sorrow-haunted dream
The perfect peace of Paradise!
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