The British Flag
Though Nelson's name hath fled
Like a dirge, along the deep,
Where the old heroic dead
In their ocean glory sleep!
Is the Lion-flag of England's triumph o'er? —
No! — where'er oppression raves,
Still that Flag the battle braves; —
And Britannia rules the waves
As of yore!
For Freedom long she bled
And her treasure widely cast;
'Till Slavery bowed its head
As her victor pennant passed: —
And the chains of Afric fell at her decree!
While the shout of millions broke
From Oppression's shatter'd yoke,
As Britannia bravely spoke —
Now " Hearts of Oak " may tell
Of the Flag of England's fame; —
When fort and bastion fell
'Neath her battle-bolts of flame! —
And Acre's vaunted walls were overthrown.
Still for glory — not for gain —
Doth her Flag triumphant reign,
And the empire of the main
Like a dirge, along the deep,
Where the old heroic dead
In their ocean glory sleep!
Is the Lion-flag of England's triumph o'er? —
No! — where'er oppression raves,
Still that Flag the battle braves; —
And Britannia rules the waves
As of yore!
For Freedom long she bled
And her treasure widely cast;
'Till Slavery bowed its head
As her victor pennant passed: —
And the chains of Afric fell at her decree!
While the shout of millions broke
From Oppression's shatter'd yoke,
As Britannia bravely spoke —
Now " Hearts of Oak " may tell
Of the Flag of England's fame; —
When fort and bastion fell
'Neath her battle-bolts of flame! —
And Acre's vaunted walls were overthrown.
Still for glory — not for gain —
Doth her Flag triumphant reign,
And the empire of the main
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