Caelia. Containing Certaine Sonets - Sonet 1

My infant Muse, when I began to write,
Led by the furie of my vnstay'd yeares,
Sung euer as my fancie did conceit,
As by her method-wanting-layes appeares:
Now prays'd she Caelia's beauty, then admires
Th' enchanting Musicke of anothers quill:
And now againe she would bewaile with teares,
Th' vntimely fals of some whom death did kill.
Thus neuer staying at one setled theame,
Till that she grew more graue, and I more old,
Vnder protection of a royall name,
Faire Sophonisba's tragicke death she told.
Yet lest poore Muse her first conceits were smor'd,
She here presents them to a Noble LORD.
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