Canto 20: Death of King Ring -

Skinfax with fiery mane
The vernal Sun again
Draws from the waves more glorious than before:
The morning rays divine
With two-fold splendor shine
On Ring's proud roof: a knocking shakes the door!

'Tis Frithiof; care and woe
Sit on his haggard brow:
The king turns pale; the palpitating breast
Of Ingeborg reveals
The inward strife she feels:
While thus the chief the royal pair address'd:

" My sea-horse burns to lave
His limbs in ocean's wave;
Eager for flight his sable wings he bends:
Far from his native north
Your guest must wander forth,
Far from his country and his much lov'd friends.

" Oh Ingeborg! behold
Once more the ring of gold
I gave thee, when eternal love we swore!
Give it to no one! yet
Strive Frithiof to forget!
For ne'er on earth shalt thou behold him more.

" Ye northern hills, adieu!
No more my eyes shall view
Your lofty summits: man is but a slave:
My bliss for ever lost,
On angry billows tost,
Ocean henceforth shall be my home and grave.

" Ne'er to the beach, oh King,
Thy tender consort bring,
'Bove all when moon or stars illume the sky!
Perchance, upon the strand,
Wreck'd, bleaching on the sand,
The exil'd Viking's bones may meet your eye. "

" 'Tis grievous to my mind
To hear (the king rejoin'd)
A warrior, like a tender maid, complain
My death, I feel, is near;
The death song strikes my ear
What then? we all must die; complaint is vain.

" The Norna's stern command
Man never can withstand,
And all must say: " The Asas' will be done!"
Fair Ingeborg be thine;
To thee too I resign,
In trust, my kingdom, for my infant son.

" Justice and peace serene
My constant aim have been,
I lov'd with friends to drain the gen'rous bowl:
Yet on the battle field
I've broken many a shield,
And made the waves with blood discolor'd roll.

" Now will I shed my blood:
Bring me a sword! 'tis good
To follow strict our great forefathers' law:
The northern kings disdain
Their bright renown to stain,
Breathing their last ignobly on the straw. "

To Odin now each vein
He cuts with placid mien,
And runes of death his dauntless soul attest
How glorious 'tis to view
The blood of golden hue
Flow down the silver of his hair-clad breast!

" Bring me the horn! drink round!
Let Norway's name resound!
Hail to thee, glorious land that gave me birth!
To see the ripening grain
Reward th'industrious swain,
Such was my joy and foremost wish on earth.

" In vain for peace I strove.
And ardent was my love:
By fortune placed blood-thirsty kings among,
She fled from my embrace:
But now with smiling grace
She points to Heaven, and beckons me along.

" Sons of Valhalla! Gods!
All hail! to your abodes
I come: the horn of Giallar greets my ear:
To the celestial feast
It bids the new come guest;
And earth and all its sorrows disappear. "

He ceas'd to speak: a smile
Illumed his face, the while
He bade his wife and son and friend farewell.
His eye then closed in night;
His spirit took its flight,
With Odin and his kindred Gods to dwell.
Author of original: 
Esaias Tegn├®r
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