There was a time when books of chivalry
Were full of monster-men and dragons great;
When Amadis of Gaul and his fair mate
Were bound in love against all rivalry;
When he who strove a faithful knight to be
Must lengthened vigils keep and, longing, wait
And also fight until he stood, elate,
O'er giants and dragons in proud victory.
Then came Quixote, peerless gentleman,
Who put the dragons and the giants to flight,
And turned the world from knights all amorous;
Then through the world the rippled laughter ran
When Sancho came. No shadows are the knight
And clown our great Cervantes made for us.
Were full of monster-men and dragons great;
When Amadis of Gaul and his fair mate
Were bound in love against all rivalry;
When he who strove a faithful knight to be
Must lengthened vigils keep and, longing, wait
And also fight until he stood, elate,
O'er giants and dragons in proud victory.
Then came Quixote, peerless gentleman,
Who put the dragons and the giants to flight,
And turned the world from knights all amorous;
Then through the world the rippled laughter ran
When Sancho came. No shadows are the knight
And clown our great Cervantes made for us.
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