I HEAR a whisper in the heated air —
" Rest! Rest! give over care! "
Long level breakers on the golden beach
Murmur in silver speech —
" Sleep in the palm-tree shadows on the shore —
Work, work no more!
Rest here and work no more. "
Where half unburied cities of dead kings
Breed poisonous creeping things
I learn the poor mortality of man —
Seek vainly for some plan —
Know that great empires pass as I must pass
Like withered blades of grass —
Dead blades of Patna grass.
" Breathe — breathe the odorous sweetness that is ours, "
Cry Frangipani flowers.
" Forget! Forget! and know no more distress,
But languorous idleness:
Dream where dead leaves fall ever from green trees
To float on sapphire seas —
Dream! and be one with these. "
" Rest! Rest! give over care! "
Long level breakers on the golden beach
Murmur in silver speech —
" Sleep in the palm-tree shadows on the shore —
Work, work no more!
Rest here and work no more. "
Where half unburied cities of dead kings
Breed poisonous creeping things
I learn the poor mortality of man —
Seek vainly for some plan —
Know that great empires pass as I must pass
Like withered blades of grass —
Dead blades of Patna grass.
" Breathe — breathe the odorous sweetness that is ours, "
Cry Frangipani flowers.
" Forget! Forget! and know no more distress,
But languorous idleness:
Dream where dead leaves fall ever from green trees
To float on sapphire seas —
Dream! and be one with these. "
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